After a busy summer, I'm back to a few radio projects. Here's whats planned to be constructed soon.
10 meters:
G3XBM's home base antenna:
G3XBM's "Lesser Chirpy."
And speaking of G3XBM, his "tenbox" project is ramping up, and sounds intriguing!
You can see a 10 Meter theme here! I'm also gearing up to put an old Stancor ST-203a 10m AM mobile transmitter (See Electric Radio, #280, September 2012) on the air, with a to-be-determined receiver.
Next, I've shaken awake the Homebrew Dual Sideband group, and announced my intent to build VK3YE's simple 40 meter dual sideband transceiver.
7.200 Mhz crystals (from N4ESS) should show up in the next couple of days. Meanwhile, I've been recently randomly calling CQ on 7200 with the "store bought rig."
Schematics below, thanks to WB6TNL!
12/10/12 PLEASE NOTE!!! The schematics are being frequently updated, please check the files section of either the Homebrew Dual Sideband, or Minimalist QRP Transceivers for the latest. Also, The name of this project has changed to the "Beach 40" transceiver.